Saturday, June 11, 2016

Post 34: STRAIGHT HAIR & hairfinity

Hey guys,

On 1st June, my friend straightened and trimmed my hair for me. I don't really like the way my hair feels when it is straight but I wanted to do a length check - which I was excited about. I refrain from using heat and prefer not to; the last time I used heat on my hair was August 2015.

I was happy with the results, eventhough I expected my hair to be a bit longer than it was. It was really straight and it's been 2 weeks, it's still straight but frizzy and starting to revert back! I can't wait to have my curls back, I find straight hair rather boring after a while.

I had braids in for 2 months as a protective style in March as exam season was approaching, It absolutely knotted up my hair because I have never kept them in for that long before! While my braids were in, I took Hairfinity for about 3 weeks (I stopped for personal reasons); it did give me spots here and there but no serious breakouts. My friends noticed a large amount of growth when I took the braids out but I expected the growth to be a bit more than it was.

My hair Feb. 2015:

A year of growth, before the braids (February/Early march '16)

After braids (May '16)

Straightened (June '16) with NuNaat's new Pataua Oil range: Shine Enhancing Thermal Protect Hair Lotion. 

I needed a very good heat protector because I am cautious with my hair and I am pleased with the results, My hair looked and felt good AND remained moisturised.  

Thank you NuNaat for gifting me with this range! x

Post 33: One mans trash, another mans treasure

One mans trash is another mans treasure. I'm sure we've all heard this saying before. If not, it means something that one person sees as rubbish may be something that someone else sees as treasure.

Isn't it weird how something you love about someone else, an amazing feature they have, may be something that person dislikes?
Someone's #1 choice of university may be someone's clearing or last resort option.
We all like and dislike different things, that is why it is important to embrace all aspects of ourself.

Smile, it may brighten up someone else's day. It's free too.
Compliment, it may also brighten up someone else's day.

A feature you could wish you didn't have, could be the feature that your partner fell in love with you for. 
So just embrace it all, what have you got to lose? Honestly?
Everyone has different taste, we see ourselves so often that we get used to how we look and point out things that are probably not even noticeable to the person sitting next to you. 
They don't care, why should you.

Be you. Be you. 'BeYouTiful'.

All photos were captured by @Sheyreece

Let's connect!-

Instagram:- fscwilliams_
Twitter:- fscwilliams

Post 32: #NandosNetworking

Very overdue post which was written in January after the dinner, but was not posted.

I decided to organise a #NandosNetworking dinner during the Christmas holidays, to meet new like-minded creatives whilst empowering eachother over a cheeky Nandos.
I love networking and meeting new people, I think it's such an important thing to do as you never know who you'll meet or inspire/motivate.
I simply posted information about the event on Twitter and Instagram, and received such an amazing turn out and great feedback from it. I met such lovely, ambitious, hard-working people that night. The night was filled of laughter, empowerment and motivation. We discussed what we do and how we started doing it and I spoke about the Hair Society I started up at University last year.
After we had finished eating, the talking and laughter continued as the conversation started to deepen. We spoke on black power and how black people need to unite & come together more to make a bigger impact. Black people have so much power however society can make our young people think otherwise, causing them to drift off and live lifestyles that they are not destined to live. It's such a shame, but it's down to us to make the changes we want to see. It isn't going to happen by itself, we're improving and creating and I love that.
We left Nandos around 10pm, I had such a good time and I know the others did too. I've already been asked when the next one will be haha, I'd love to organise another one but being at university outside of London makes it a little more difficult. When I do decide to organise it, it'll definitely be bigger and better!